Application Calendar: To be confirmed
Classes will start on September 8th 2025
Welcome Day on 5th of September 2025
Total number of vacancies: 25
Required Documentation - Portuguese High School Applicants
- Photograph
- Identification Document - Citizen Card;
- National Examination Certificate - ENES file (Exames Nacionais do Ensino Secundário) compulsorily issued in the year of application
- Proof of English Language Proficiency
- Group A – Interpersonal Communication
Required Documentation - Foreign Secondary Education
- Photograph
- Identification Document - Citizen Card;
- Qualifications Certificate: Foreign Secondary School certificate/ diploma (obtained abroad or in Portugal), legally equivalent the Portuguese Diploma. The applicants will need to require a Certification of Equivalence at Direção Geral de Educação.
- Proof of the successful realization of the required entrance exams, considered equivalent to the corresponding Portuguese national exams.
- Proof of English Language Proficiency
- Group A – Interpersonal Communication
Required Documentation - Change of Institution/Course Pair Regime
- Passport-type photo;
- Identification document – Citizen Card or, if other type of document, the tax identification number is also required;
- Qualifications certificate, if the Applicant holds a Portuguese secondary education diploma;
- Certificate/diploma of foreign secondary education (obtained abroad or in Portugal), legally equivalent to the Portuguese Diploma. Applicants will need to request an equivalence certificate at the Direção Geral de Educação (DGE), if they hold a foreign secondary education diploma;
- Certificate of National Exams - ENES Form, if the Applicant holds a Portuguese secondary education diploma;
- Proof of completion of foreign final exams or final year subject exams of the respective foreign secondary education degree, legally equivalent to the subjects in Portuguese education, if the Applicants holds a foreign secondary education diploma;
- Certificate of the curricular units completed in higher education (Portuguese or foreign) in which the Applicant was approved, with the respective grades, ECTS credits or workload and, for students who have attended foreign higher education institutions, a statement explaining the grading scale, if it is different from the Portuguese system;
- Program of the curricular units in which the Applicant was approved, for the purpose of granting potential creditations
Application and Tuition Fees (soon to be available)