Brain Imaging 

6 ECTS / Semester / Inglês
  • Activate and consolidate prior knowledge of data analysis and signal processing
  • Understand the basic principles and applications of the various brain imaging techniques, with a focus on structural (MRI, CT) as well as metabolic and functional (PET, fMRI and MEEG) techniques
  • Understand the applications of brain imaging in neuroscience research and clinical diagnosis
  • Explore the basics of advanced neuroimaging techniques, including DTI/TBSS and spectroscopy
  • Acquire skills in the use of specialized software (SPM and FSL) for brain image analysis
  • Know how to process and analyze brain imaging data by applying statistical and data analysis methods
  • Apply knowledge of filtering, normalization, and segmentation to brain imaging
  • Know the fundamentals of reconstruction algorithms
  • Know how to identify future trends and emerging technologies in the field of brain imaging


Professor Associado
Participação na FM-UCP Vice-Coordenação da unidade curricular Epidemiologia e Bioestatística Coordenação do Laboratório de…