Functional Neuroanatomy 

7.5 ECTS / Semester / Inglês

This course expands on Anatomy and Physiology and Introduction to Neuroscience, delving deeper into the nervous system's anatomy and function.

Students will gain insights into the common and unique aspects of various vertebrate groups, especially mammals.

Understanding Vertebrate Nervous System Evolution: Students will learn about the evolution of the nervous system from early vertebrates to mammals, noting functional adaptations to different environments and lifestyles.

Analysis of Nervous System Embryonic Development: Students will identify stages of nervous system development from neurulation to neural maturation.

Knowledge of Human Functional Neuroanatomy: Detailed understanding of the structure and function of the human central and peripheral nervous system.

Linking Structure to Function in Neuroanatomy: Students will connect anatomical structures of the nervous system to their functions in health and disease, covering perception, movement, cognition, and emotion.


Professor Associado
Doutorada em Ciências da Saúde pela Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa (FML), mestre em Biofísica pela Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa e em Psicologia Clínica…