Mineiro, A., Abreu, A.M., Ribeiro da Silva, C., & Castro-Caldas, A. From pantomime to early signs in a newly emergent sign language: Insights from body movement and language cognition. [Under Review]

Rando, B., Abreu, A.M.*, & Blanca, M.J. New evidence for the validity of the Portuguese version of flourishing scale. [Under Review]

Martinez, L., Rando, B., Agante, L., & Abreu, A.M. White lie or true blue: Consumers’ packaging choices depend on color of retail environment. [Under Review]

Błachnio, A., Przepiórka, A., Gorbaniuk, O., Ivanova, A., Angeluci, A., Wu, A., Yu, S., Brkljacic, T., Pilar, I., Bendayan, R., Blanca, M.J., Vandenabeele, M., Ben-Ezra, M., Malik, S., Rando, B., Abreu, A.M., Pantic, I., Milanovic, A., Musil, B., Čuš Babić, N., Seidman, G., Benvenuti, M., Mazzoni, E., D'Souza, L., Gorbaniuk, J., Holdoš, J., McNeill, M., Karadağ, E., Wołonciej, M., & Makita, M. Measurement invariance of the Phubbing Scale across 20 countries. [Under Review]

Abreu, A.M. (no prelo). Lazer e exercício físico na promoção da saúde mental na era digital. In M. Nery & T. Santos (Eds.), Manual de Psicologia da Saúde.

Abreu, A.M., & Frade, I. (no prelo). Running against the schedule: Are children exercising at the right time? A comment on the Portuguese Education System. Cadernos de Saúde.

Martinez, L. M., Gameiro, D., Martinez, L. F., Agante, L., & Abreu, A.M. (no prelo). The influence of color in anthropomorphic packaging: Purchase intention and product attractiveness. Revista Portuguesa de Marketing, 19(37).

Ozkan, D. G., Pezzetta, R., Moreau, Q., Abreu, A.M., & Aglioti, S. M. (2019). Predicting the fate of basketball throws: An EEG study on expert action prediction in wheelchair basketball players. Experimental Brain Research, 237(12), 3363-3373. doi: 10.1007/s00221-019-05677-x.

Abreu, A.M., Esteves, P.T., & Aglioti, S.M. (2019). Action understanding, motor resonance, and embodied simulation in sports: Bridging ecological and neurosientific approaches. In M.L. Cappuccio (Ed.), MIT Press Handbook of Embodied Cognition and Sport Psychology (pp. 359-379). Boston: MIT Press.

Abreu, A.M., & Rato, J. (Eds.). (2018). NeuroPsicologia do desporto e do movimento humano: O que te faltava saber! Lisboa: Climepsi Editores.

Martinez, L.M., Silva, M., Martinez, L.F., & Abreu, A.M. (2018). Colour contrast in packaging and consumer product perception. Proceedings of the International Colour Association (AIC) Conference 2018 (pp. 353-360). Lisbon: Associação Portuguesa de Cor.

Sacavém, A., Martinez, L.F., Cunha, J.V., Abreu, A.M., & Johnson, S.K. (2017). Charismatic leadership: A study on delivery styles and performance. Journal of Leadership Studies, 11(3), 21-38.

Abreu, A.M., Candidi, M., & Aglioti, S.M. (2017). Catching on it early: Bodily and brain anticipatory mechanisms for excellence in sport. In V. Walsh, M. Wilson, & B. Parkin (Eds.), Progress in Brain Research Book Series - Sport and the brain: The science of preparing, enduring and winning – Part B, Volume 234 (pp. 53-67). Amsterdam: Academic Press. doi: 10.1016/bs.pbr.2017.08.006

Barreiros, A., & Abreu, A.M. (2017). Sports expertise: Is Nature or nurture to blame? No, it’s the brain! Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del Ejercicio y el Deporte – RIPED, 12(2), 307-312.

Abreu, A.M., de Schonen, S., Soares, J., & Happé, F. (2016). Motion perception and social cognition in Autism: Speed selective impairments in socio-conceptual processing. Journal of Advanced Neuroscience Research, 3(2), 45-53.

Abreu, A.M., & Duarte, R. (2015). Expertise in sports: Reconciling sports sciences with findings from experimental and social psychology and neuroscience. Annals of Sports Medicine and Research, 2(3), 1020.

Pereira, T., Castro-Caldas, A., & Abreu, A.M. (2014). Age-related gender differences in motor and inhibitory learning and consolidation. Journal of Advanced Neuroscience Research, 1(1), 10-21.

Abreu, A.M. (2014). Action anticipation in sports: A particular case of expert decision-making. Trends in Sport Sciences, 1(21), 197-203.

Abreu, A.M., & Esteves, P.T. (2014). Bases neurocientíficas de la toma de decisiones en el deporte. In F. Del Villar Álvarez & L. García-González (Eds.), El entrenamiento táctico y decisional en el deporte. (pp. 59-79). Madrid: Síntesis.

Oliveira, P., Araújo, D., & Abreu, A.M. (2014). Proneness for exercise, cognitive and psychophysiological consequences of action observation. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(1), 39-47. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2013.09.008

Pereira, T., Abreu, A.M., & Castro-Caldas, A. (2013). Understanding task- and expertise-specific motor acquisition, and motor memory formation and consolidation. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 117(1), 108-129. doi: 10.2466/23.25.pms.117x14z0.

Abreu, A.M., Macaluso, E., Azevedo, R., Cesari, P., Urgesi, C., & Aglioti, S.M. (2012). Action anticipation beyond the action observation network: An fMRI study in expert basketball players. European Journal of Neuroscience, 35(10), 1646-1654. doi: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2012.08104.x

Candidi, M., Vicario, C., Abreu, A.M., & Aglioti, S.M. (2010). Competing mechanisms for mapping action-related categorical knowledge and observed actions. Cerebral Cortex, 20(12), 2832-2841. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhq033

Abreu, A.M., & Araújo, D. (2010). A neurofisiologia da consciência. In A. Correia (Ed.), Manual de yoga (pp. 17-25). Lisboa: Edições FMH.

Abreu, A.M. (2009). Relação entre Anomalias no Processamento Visual e o Comportamento Social em Crianças com Perturbações do Espectro do Autismo e Síndrome de Williams. Revista de Educação Especial e Reabilitação, 16, 19-38.

Abreu, A.M., & de Schonen, S. (2009). Heterogeneity in motion perception deficits in developmental disorders: Evidence from Autism and Williams Syndrome. Cadernos de Saúde, 2(1), 41-50.

Abreu, A.M., & Candidi. M. (2009). There is more to action words than verbs: The case of action nouns. Electronic letter published at The Journal of Neuroscience. http://neuro.cjb.net/content/28/44/11347.short/reply#jneuro_el_21132

Abreu, A.M., French, R.M., Cowell, R.A., & de Schonen, S. (2006). Local-Global visual deficits in Williams Syndrome: Stimulus presence contributes to diminished performance on image-reproduction. Psychologica Belgica, 46(4), 269-281.

Abreu, A.M., French, R.M., Annaz, D., Thomas, M. & de Schonen, S. (2005). A “Visual conflict” hypothesis for global-local visual deficits in Williams Syndrome: Simulations and data. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 45-50.

Abreu, A.M., & Happé, F. (2005). Perceiving ASD through the motions. Current Psychology of Cognition, 23(1-2), 35-43.