The Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing organizes the Master Class in “Mastering Scientific Writing in Health Science and Nursing with Professor Fiona Timmins of University College Dublin.
June 27th 2024| 9 a.m – 5 p.m (Lisbon time)
Campus Palma de Cima, UCP, Lisbon
Registration Fee: 80€

This master class provides participants with an understanding of the (1) principles for writing and publishing scientific papers; (2) selecting the journal; (3) the structure of original papers; (4) the editors’ expectations and the communication with reviewers.
9h00 - 9h30 | Introduction
9h30 - 10h15 | Core principles for writing and publishing scientific papers
10h30 - 11h15 | Selecting the journal: selecting the audience
11h30 - 13h00 | The structure of scientific papers: writing the introduction and methods
13h00 - 14h00 | Free lunch
14h00 - 14h45 | The structure of scientific papers: writing the results and discussion
15h00 - 15h45 | The editors’ expectations and the communication with reviewers
16h00 - 16h45 | Drafting a scientific paper.
16h45 - 17h30 | Closing
Speaker: Professor Fiona Timmins
Professor of Nursing, Dean, and Head of School at the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems, University College Dublin, Ireland. Her primary speciality is cardiovascular nursing, and she was appointed Nurse Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland within this speciality in 1998.
Her interest in this field continues and has expanded into the area of spirituality and in 2013 she formed the Spirituality Research and Innovation Group (SRIG) at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin.
Fiona is an active researcher within this field, and also within the broader remit of professional nursing issues and nurse education She was also appointed as Nurse Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology in 2001. She is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN). Fiona has a long track record of writing for publication, both as author (249 publications listed in Scopus, 11 authored/co-authored textbooks and a H-index (Scopus) of 30), but also as Editor. She has hosted more than 60 writing for publication workshops globally and is passionate about encouraging research dissemination. She is Editor in Chief of the Public Health Nursing Journal, and Nurse Author & Editor. She is also Associate Editor at the Journal of Advanced Nursing, and an Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Emergency Nursing and Nursing in Critical Care.
Chairs: Profª Doutora Filipa Ribeiro | Profª Doutora Sílvia Caldeira, FCSE-UCP