Project ID: “HfPT - Health from Portugal"
- Funding Period: 2021-2025
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Project ID: “Thertact-Exo: A brain controlled exoskeleton for spinal cord regeneration” - Melo e Castro Spinal Cord Neuroscience Award 2018
- Funding Period: 2018
- Principal Investigator: Nuno Sousa (PI); Miguel Pais-Vieira (Consortium Director)
- Funding Source: Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa
- Role of UCP: Partner
- Total Funding: 200 000€
- UCP Funding: 134 160€

Project ID: Corpus Linguístico & Avatar da Língua Gestual Portuguesa - Refª PTDC/LLT-LIN/29887/2017)
- Funding Period: 2018-2021
- Principal Investigator: Ana Mineiro
- Funding Source: Portugal2020
- Role of UCP: Home Institution
- Total Funding: 237 607,80 €
- UCP Funding: 237 607,80 €

Project ID: University Students’ lifestyles – FANTASTICO: diagnostic, prevention and health promotion
- Funding Period: 2017-2020
- Principal Investigator: João Amado
- Funding Source: PORTUGAL2020
- Role of UCP: Home Institution
- Total Funding: 167 478,31 €
- UCP Funding: 167 478,31 €

Project ID: Investigator FCT (IF/00098/2015)
- Funding Period: 2017-2021
- Principal Investigator: Miguel Pais Vieira
- Funding Source: FCT
- Role of UCP: Home Institution
- Total Funding: 179 000 €
- UCP Funding: 179 000 €

Project ID: iCheese - Cynara Innovation for best Cheese/PDR2020-101-031002
- Funding Period: 2017-2020
- Principal Investigator: Marlene Barros
- Funding Source: PDR2020
- Role of UCP: Promotor
- Total Funding: 400 302,14 €
- UCP Funding: 254 181,73 €

Project ID: Reward modulation of tactile stimulus processing - PT/FB/BL-2016-095
- Funding Period: 2017-2019
- Principal Investigator: Miguel Pais Vieira
- Funding Source: Fundação Bial
- Role of UCP: Promotor
- Total Funding: 47 000 €
- UCP Funding: 47 000 €

Project ID: PID2277 " Molecular insight into Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)"
- Funding Period: 2017-2019
- Principal Investigator: Maria José Correia
- Funding Source: CORBEL
- Role of UCP: Infrastructure user
- Total Funding: 5 000 € (Missions + Infrastructures)
- UCP Funding: 5 000 € (Missions + Infrastructures)

Project ID: Financiamento de Unidade de I&D CIIS - Refª: UID/Multi/4279/2016
- Funding Period: 2016-2018
- Principal Investigator: Marlene Barros
- Funding Source: FCT
- Role of UCP: Home Institution
- Total Funding: 81 245,83 €
- UCP Funding: 81 245,83 €

Project ID: ValBioTecCynara - Valorização económica do cardo (Cynara cardunculus): variabilidade natural e as suas aplicações biotecnológicas”, ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000038
- Funding Period: 2015-2018
- Principal Investigator: Fátima Duarte
- Funding Source: ALENTEJO 2020 e FEDER
- Role of UCP: Partner
- Total Funding: 713 137,90 €
- UCP Funding: 26 428,39 €

Project ID: SalivaTec/ CENTRO-07-CT62-FEDER-005004
- Funding Period: 2013-2015
- Principal Investigator: Marlene Barros
- Funding Source: QREN e FEDER
- Role of UCP: Co-Promotor
- Total Funding: 680 019 €
- UCP Funding: 186 898,57 €

Project ID: Sem Barreiras
- Funding Period: 2013-2015
- Principal Investigator: Ana Mineiro
- Funding Source: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
- Role of UCP: Entidade Promotora
- Total Funding: 56 000 €
- UCP Funding: 56 000 €

- Funding Period: 2013-2014
- Principal Investigator: Escola Secundária Viriato
- Funding Source: FCT
- Role of UCP: Partner
- Total Funding: 7 953 €
- UCP Funding: 1 608,20 €

Project ID: CLIC– Cognition and Language in Portuguese Children with Cochlear Implants EXPL/MHC-LIN 0449/2013
- Funding Period: 2013-2015
- Principal Investigator: Ana Mineiro
- Funding Source: FCT
- Role of UCP: Promotor
- Total Funding: 37 000 €
- UCP Funding: 37 000 €

Project ID: SuStentare
- Funding Period: 2013-2014
- Principal Investigator: Escola Secundária Viriato
- Funding Source: Fundação Ilídio Pinho
- Role of UCP: Partner
- Total Funding: 500 €
- UCP Funding: NA

Project ID: Financiamento Tecnimede /Farmoz
- Funding Period: 2016-
- Principal Investigator: CIIS - Viseu
- Funding Source: TECNIMEDE
- Role of UCP: Beneficiary
- Total Funding: 7 980 €/year
- UCP Funding: 7 980 €/year