Nélio Veiga

Professor Auxiliar

Generic Bio

Licenced in Dental Medicine in 2006 at the Health Sciences Institute of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP). In 2010, completed the Masters Degree in Public Health at the Medical School of the University of Porto and in 2015 the PhD degree in Biomedicine at the Beira Interior University.

Assistant Professor at the Health Sciences Institute of the UCP and Clinical Director of the Dental University Clinic of the UCP. Responsible for the knowledge field of Community Oral Health at the Health Sciences Institute of UCP and responsible for the Oral Health for All Lab at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Health (CIIS).


#099. A prescrição terapêutica em alunos de medicina dentária

Veiga, N. , Melanie Lopes. (2016). #099. A prescrição terapêutica em alunos de medicina dentária. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

#100. Saúde e reabilitação oral no idoso institucionalizado

Correia, A., Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2016). #100. Saúde e reabilitação oral no idoso institucionalizado. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

#101. Cuidados de saúde oral em pacientes com necessidades especiais

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2016). #101. Cuidados de saúde oral em pacientes com necessidades especiais. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

#107 Identificação molecular de espécies de Candida em lesões de estomatite protética

Correia, M., Barros, M., Veiga, N. , Adriana Ribeiro. (2018). #107 Identificação molecular de espécies de Candida em lesões de estomatite protética. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

#109. Registo clínico eletrónico numa clínica dentária universitária – perceção dos estudantes

Correia, A., Veiga, N. , Luís Guilherme C. Clemente. (2016). #109. Registo clínico eletrónico numa clínica dentária universitária – perceção dos estudantes. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

#121. A importância da saúde oral na medicina geral e familiar

Veiga, N. , Ana Rita Vaz. (2016). #121. A importância da saúde oral na medicina geral e familiar. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

A comparative study of oral health behaviors and self-perception in adult populations with and without intellectual disabilities

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Inês Martins. (2020). A comparative study of oral health behaviors and self-perception in adult populations with and without intellectual disabilities. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

A comparative study of oral health behaviors and self-perception in adult populations with and without intellectual disabilities,Estudo comparativo de comportamentos e autoperceção em saúde oral de populações adultas com e sem deficiência intel...

Veiga, N. , Martins, I.. (2020). A comparative study of oral health behaviors and self-perception in adult populations with and without intellectual disabilities,Estudo comparativo de comportamentos e autoperceção em saúde oral de populações adultas com e sem deficiência intel.... Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentaria e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

A epidemiologia. De Hipócrates ao século XXI

Veiga, N. , Carlos Pereira. (2014). A epidemiologia. De Hipócrates ao século XXI. Millenium

Abordagem cirúrgica de um extravasamento canalar num incisivo com lesão apical

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2008). Abordagem cirúrgica de um extravasamento canalar num incisivo com lesão apical. Cadernos de Saúde

Acção de sensibilização na Escola Secundária Alves Martins, Viseu

Figueiredo, A., Veiga, N. , J. C. Gonçalves. (2008). Acção de sensibilização na Escola Secundária Alves Martins, Viseu. Cadernos de Saúde

Alterações da postura corporal e disfunção da articulação temporomandibular

Veiga, N. , M. Filipe. (2008). Alterações da postura corporal e disfunção da articulação temporomandibular. Cadernos de Saúde

Analysis of dental medicine students' perceptions before and after participating in service-learning

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Nélio Jorge Veiga. (2023). Analysis of dental medicine students' perceptions before and after participating in service-learning. XI National and V International Congress on University Service-Learning

Antibacterial effect of silver diamine fluoride incorporated in fissure sealants

Veiga, N., Correia, M. , Nélio Veiga. (2017). Antibacterial effect of silver diamine fluoride incorporated in fissure sealants. International Journal of Medical, Health, Biomedical, Bioengineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering

Assessment of Oral Health Care among the Institutionalized Elderly Caregivers

Couto, P., Veiga, N. , M, Tavares. (2019). Assessment of Oral Health Care among the Institutionalized Elderly Caregivers. International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Health

Assessment of the risk of dental caries through the application of Cariogram

Veiga, N. , P. Pinto. (2021). Assessment of the risk of dental caries through the application of Cariogram. 2021 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session, 21/07/21

Association between oral microflora and oral health and socio-demographic variables among adolescents

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2015). Association between oral microflora and oral health and socio-demographic variables among adolescents. Eur J Epidemiol.

Automedicação na comunidade: um problema de saúde pública

Veiga, N. , Amaral, Odete. (2019). Automedicação na comunidade: um problema de saúde pública. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD de Psicología.

Avaliação da auto-perceção da saúde oral por idosos institucionalizados

Veiga, N. , Patrícia Couto. (2018). Avaliação da auto-perceção da saúde oral por idosos institucionalizados. XIII Jornadas de Medicina Dentária da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Viseu, Portugal, 18/05/18

Avaliação da autopercepção da saúde oral por idosos institucionalizados

Veiga, N. , Patrícia Couto. (2017). Avaliação da autopercepção da saúde oral por idosos institucionalizados. XII Jornadas de Medicina Dentária da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Viseu, Portugal, 18/05/17

Avaliação da e-literacia em saúde em estudantes universitários portugueses

Veiga, N. , Sofia Almeida. (2023). Avaliação da e-literacia em saúde em estudantes universitários portugueses.

Avaliação da e-literacia em saúde em estudantes universitários portugueses: Um estudo transversal.

Veiga, N. , Sofia Almeida. (2023). Avaliação da e-literacia em saúde em estudantes universitários portugueses: Um estudo transversal..

Avaliação da perda dentária e presença de reabilitação protética em idosos

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2018). Avaliação da perda dentária e presença de reabilitação protética em idosos. XXXVIII Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estomatologia e Medicina Dentária, Oeiras, Portugal, 12/10/18

Avaliação da presença de dor muscular e articular em idosos institucionalizados

Veiga, N., Fonseca, P. , J. Santos. (2019). Avaliação da presença de dor muscular e articular em idosos institucionalizados. XXXIX Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estomatologia e Medicina Dentária, Porto, Portugal, 18/10/19

Avaliação da saúde oral numa amostra de pacientes portugueses

Couto, P., Veiga, N. , Pedro Coelho. (2012). Avaliação da saúde oral numa amostra de pacientes portugueses. XXI Congresso da Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas, 8/11/12

Avaliação da saúde oral numa população rural

Veiga, N. , C. Barata. (2008). Avaliação da saúde oral numa população rural. Cadernos de Saúde

Avaliação muscular e articular numa população idosa institucionalizada

Veiga, N., Fonseca, P. , J. Santos. (2019). Avaliação muscular e articular numa população idosa institucionalizada. XIV Jornadas de Medicina Dentária da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Viseu, Portugal, 8/05/19

Blood and Salivary Inflammatory Biomarkers Profile in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and Periodontal Disease: A Systematic Review

Veiga, N., Fernandes, G. , Lisandra Taísa Reginaldo Tavares. (2022). Blood and Salivary Inflammatory Biomarkers Profile in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and Periodontal Disease: A Systematic Review. Diseases

Bruxism – Literature review

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2015). Bruxism – Literature review. International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Health

Bruxism–Literature review

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2015). Bruxism–Literature review. Int J Dent Oral Health.

Capacidade mastigatória de indivíduos geriátricos institucionalizados

Veiga, N., Fonseca, P. , S Goolamhussen. (2019). Capacidade mastigatória de indivíduos geriátricos institucionalizados. XXXIX Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estomatologia e Medicina Dentária, Porto, Portugal, 18/10/19

Caracterização da Reabilitação Protética de Idosos Institucionalizados

Veiga, N., Fonseca, P. , S Goolamhussen. (2019). Caracterização da Reabilitação Protética de Idosos Institucionalizados. XIV Jornadas de Medicina Dentária da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Viseu, Portugal, 8/05/19

Caracterização da saúde oral e avaliação da reabilitação protética numa amostra de idosos institucionalizados.

Veiga, N. , Cunha, J. (2016). Caracterização da saúde oral e avaliação da reabilitação protética numa amostra de idosos institucionalizados.. JADA

Caraterização da saúde oral numa amostra de adultos com Diabetes Mellitus

Veiga, N. , AG Pereira. (2019). Caraterização da saúde oral numa amostra de adultos com Diabetes Mellitus. XXXIX Congresso Anual da SPEMD, Porto, Portugal, 18/10/19

Characterization of soft and hard tissue lesions in an oral medicine unit in the central region of Portugal

Veiga, N. , Camila Trimboli. (2023). Characterization of soft and hard tissue lesions in an oral medicine unit in the central region of Portugal. BMC Proceedings

Characterization of soft and hard tissue lesions in an oral medicine unit in the central region of Portugal

Veiga, N. , Camila Trimboli. (2023). Characterization of soft and hard tissue lesions in an oral medicine unit in the central region of Portugal. National Meeting of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Health (CIIS), Sintra, Portugal, 31/03/23

Characterization of the oral health status and literacy among a sample of Portuguese elderly

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Helder António Costa. (2023). Characterization of the oral health status and literacy among a sample of Portuguese elderly. BMC Proceedings

Characterization of the oral health status and literacy among a sample of Portuguese elderly

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Helder António Costa. (2023). Characterization of the oral health status and literacy among a sample of Portuguese elderly. Encontro Nacional do Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Saúde (CIIS), Sintra, Portugal, 31/03/23

Comportamentos de saúde oral em adolescentes portugueses.

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2013). Comportamentos de saúde oral em adolescentes portugueses.. Rev Port Saude Publica.

Comportamentos de saúde oral numa comunidade portuguesa

Veiga, N. , A. L. M. Carvalho. (2018). Comportamentos de saúde oral numa comunidade portuguesa. V Congresso Internacional de Odontologia, Piracicaba, Brazil, 23/05/18

Consumo de bebidas alcoólicas durante a gravidez

Veiga, N. , Emília Coutinho. (2017). Consumo de bebidas alcoólicas durante a gravidez. INFAD

Correlation between the Yesavage geriatric depression scale and the oral health status of the elderly patient - pilot study

Veiga, N. , Catarina Ramos. (2023). Correlation between the Yesavage geriatric depression scale and the oral health status of the elderly patient - pilot study. Encontro Nacional do Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Saúde (CIIS), Sintra, Portugal, 31/03/23

Correlation between the Yesavage geriatric depression scale and the oral health status of the elderly patient – pilot study

Veiga, N. , Catarina Ramos. (2023). Correlation between the Yesavage geriatric depression scale and the oral health status of the elderly patient – pilot study. BMC Proceedings

COVID-19 Management in Clinical Dental Care Part III: Patients and the Dental Office

Veiga, N. , Melo, P.. (2021). COVID-19 Management in Clinical Dental Care Part III: Patients and the Dental Office. International Dental Journal

Dental anxiety – The importance of its management in dental appointments and the influence on children´s oral health.

Veiga, N. , Montagna, D. (2014). Dental anxiety – The importance of its management in dental appointments and the influence on children´s oral health.. Aten Primaria

Dental anxiety – The importance of its management in dental appointments and the influence on children´s oral health.

Veiga, N. , Montagna, D. (2014). Dental anxiety – The importance of its management in dental appointments and the influence on children´s oral health.. Aten Primaria

Dental Caries and Oral Health Behavior Assessment Among Portuguese Adolescents

Veiga, N. , Nélio Jorge Veiga. (2019). Dental Caries and Oral Health Behavior Assessment Among Portuguese Adolescents.

Dental caries and oral health behavior assessments among Portuguese adolescents,Caries dental y evaluaciones del comportamiento de salud bucal en adolescentes Portugueses

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.J.. (2020). Dental caries and oral health behavior assessments among Portuguese adolescents,Caries dental y evaluaciones del comportamiento de salud bucal en adolescentes Portugueses. Journal of Oral Research

Dental caries and oral health behaviours in a portuguese sample of adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2013). Dental caries and oral health behaviours in a portuguese sample of adolescents.. Am J Epidemiol.

Dental Caries and Oral Health Behaviours in a Portuguese Sample of Adolescents.

Veiga, N. , C Pereira. (2013). Dental Caries and Oral Health Behaviours in a Portuguese Sample of Adolescents.. American Journal of Epidemiology

Dental Caries in a Portuguese Sample of Schoolchildren

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2011). Dental Caries in a Portuguese Sample of Schoolchildren. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health

Dental caries in a portuguese sample of schoolchildren.

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2011). Dental caries in a portuguese sample of schoolchildren.. J Epidemiol Comm Health.

Dental caries risk assessment in a portuguese sample of 6-year-old schoolchildren.

Veiga, N. , Gonçalves, J. (2014). Dental caries risk assessment in a portuguese sample of 6-year-old schoolchildren.. Aten Primaria

Dental Caries: A Review

Veiga, N. (2016). Dental Caries: A Review. J Dent Oral Health

Dental Injuries in a Sample of Portuguese Militaries - A Preliminary Research.

Veiga, N., Correia, A. , Azevedo L. (2018). Dental Injuries in a Sample of Portuguese Militaries - A Preliminary Research.. Military medicine

Dental professional perception of cross-infection

Veiga, N. , Cláudia Ribeiro. (2014). Dental professional perception of cross-infection. Proceedings book of the international symposium on occupational safety and hygiene - SHO2014

Depressive sympthomatology and alcohol consumption in adolescents: a school-based study

Veiga, N. (2016). Depressive sympthomatology and alcohol consumption in adolescents: a school-based study.

Determinants of dental visit in portuguese adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2006). Determinants of dental visit in portuguese adolescents.. Am J Epidemiol.

Determinants of gastric and oral Helicobacter pylori in a sample of Portuguese adolescents

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2015). Determinants of gastric and oral Helicobacter pylori in a sample of Portuguese adolescents. Helicobacter

Determinants of gingival recessions in Portuguese adults

Veiga, N. , Lapa, J.. (2016). Determinants of gingival recessions in Portuguese adults. Revista Odonto Ciencia

Determinants of gingival recessions in Portuguese adults

Veiga, N. (2016). Determinants of gingival recessions in Portuguese adults. Rev Odonto Ciencia

Determinants of insomnia in a sample of portuguese teachers.

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2012). Determinants of insomnia in a sample of portuguese teachers.. Eur J Epidemiol.

Determinants of quality-of-life among a Portuguese sample of adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Amaral, O.. (2013). Determinants of quality-of-life among a Portuguese sample of adolescents.. Eur J Epidemiol.

Determinants of quality-of-life in a sample of portuguese teachers.

Veiga, N. , Almeida, C. (2012). Determinants of quality-of-life in a sample of portuguese teachers.. Eur J Epidemiol.

Determinants of Violence Against Portuguese Pregnant Women

Veiga, N. , C Pereira. (2010). Determinants of Violence Against Portuguese Pregnant Women. American Journal of Epidemiology

Determinants of violence against portuguese pregnant women.

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2010). Determinants of violence against portuguese pregnant women.. Am J Epidemiol.

Diabetes Mellitus and Periodontal Disease.

Veiga, N. (2016). Diabetes Mellitus and Periodontal Disease..

DMFT and oral health behaviours assessment in a sample of adolescents of Mangualde,Determinação do CPOD e comportamentos de saúde oral numa amostra de adolescentes do concelho de Mangualde

Veiga, N. , Barata, C.. (2013). DMFT and oral health behaviours assessment in a sample of adolescents of Mangualde,Determinação do CPOD e comportamentos de saúde oral numa amostra de adolescentes do concelho de Mangualde. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentaria e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

Doença crónica e qualidade de vida em utentes dos cuidados de saúde primários em Portugal

Veiga, N. , Amaral, O.. (2015). Doença crónica e qualidade de vida em utentes dos cuidados de saúde primários em Portugal. Gac Sanit.

Ecologia microbiana do biofilme oral e pH

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Pedro Campos Lopes. (2008). Ecologia microbiana do biofilme oral e pH. Cadernos de Saúde

Edentulism and the need of oral rehabilitation among institucionalized elderly

Veiga, N. (2016). Edentulism and the need of oral rehabilitation among institucionalized elderly.

Educação para a saúde baseada em evidências

Veiga, N. , Carlos Pereira. (2014). Educação para a saúde baseada em evidências. Millenium

Educação para a Saúde Baseada em Evidências.

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2014). Educação para a Saúde Baseada em Evidências.. Rev Millenium

Efficacy of oral health promotion in the control of bacterial dental plaque – preliminary study

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2014). Efficacy of oral health promotion in the control of bacterial dental plaque – preliminary study. European Journal of Public Health

Eficácia da Promoção da Saúde Oral no Controle do Biofilme Oral.

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2014). Eficácia da Promoção da Saúde Oral no Controle do Biofilme Oral.. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde.

Embedding environmental sustainability within the modern dental curriculum— Exploring current practice and developing a shared understanding

Veiga, N. , Duane, B.. (2021). Embedding environmental sustainability within the modern dental curriculum— Exploring current practice and developing a shared understanding. European Journal of Dental Education

Ensino da Epidemiologia e da Saúde Pública no Mestrado Integrado de Medicina Dentária

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2010). Ensino da Epidemiologia e da Saúde Pública no Mestrado Integrado de Medicina Dentária.

Epidemiology of dental caries

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2015). Epidemiology of dental caries.

Epidemiology of periodontal disease among the elderly

Veiga, N. (2017). Epidemiology of periodontal disease among the elderly. J Oral Biol.

Estilos de vida em trabalhadores offshore de uma plataforma da África Subsaariana

Veiga, N. , Eduardo Miguel Coelho. (2018). Estilos de vida em trabalhadores offshore de uma plataforma da África Subsaariana. INFAD

Evaluating E-Health Literacy, Knowledge, Attitude, and Health Online Information in Portuguese University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study

Veiga, N. , Sofia Almeida. (2024). Evaluating E-Health Literacy, Knowledge, Attitude, and Health Online Information in Portuguese University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Evaluation of clinical performance when intrauterine devices are inserted by different categories of healthcare professional

Veiga, N. , Laporte, M.. (2021). Evaluation of clinical performance when intrauterine devices are inserted by different categories of healthcare professional. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Fatores associados ao recurso a cuidados médico-dentários numa população geriátrica

Veiga, N. , Ana Raquel Pereira. (2019). Fatores associados ao recurso a cuidados médico-dentários numa população geriátrica. XXXIX Congresso Anual da SPEMD, Porto, Portugal, 18/10/19

Fatores associados ao recurso a cuidados médico-dentários numa população geriátrica

Veiga, N. , A. R. Pereira. (2019). Fatores associados ao recurso a cuidados médico-dentários numa população geriátrica. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

Fissure sealants

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2014). Fissure sealants. Oral Health and Dental Management

Fissure Sealants: A Review of their Importance in Preventive Dentistry.

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2014). Fissure Sealants: A Review of their Importance in Preventive Dentistry.. Oral Health Dent Manag.

Gender and age differences in the sleep habits: a cross-sectional study in adolescents.

Veiga, N. (2016). Gender and age differences in the sleep habits: a cross-sectional study in adolescents.. Aten Primaria

Granuloma Gravídico

Veiga, N. , Tatiana Serrão. (2019). Granuloma Gravídico. XIV Jornadas de Medicina Dentária da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Viseu, Portugal, 8/05/19

Hábitos alimentares, actividade física e comportamentos sedentários em crianças portuguesas

Veiga, N. , Loureiro, R. (2015). Hábitos alimentares, actividade física e comportamentos sedentários em crianças portuguesas. Gac Sanit.

Health determinants among a sample of Portuguese children

Veiga, N. (2016). Health determinants among a sample of Portuguese children. Millenium

Health determinants and socio-demographic aspects among a sample of Portuguese children

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2016). Health determinants and socio-demographic aspects among a sample of Portuguese children. European journal of public health

Health literacy in higher education students

Veiga, N. , Odete Amaral. (2021). Health literacy in higher education students. INFAD

Helicobacter pylori infection and functional dyspepsia in adolescence

Veiga, N. , Carlos Pereira. (2015). Helicobacter pylori infection and functional dyspepsia in adolescence. Atiner's Conference Paper Series

Helicobacter pylori infection in a community sample of Portuguese adults

Veiga, N. (2016). Helicobacter pylori infection in a community sample of Portuguese adults.

Histological, Clinical Assessment, and Treatment of a Permanent Filler Complication in the Upper Lip: A Case Report with 16-Year Follow-Up

Veiga, N. , Samuel Fiuza. (2024). Histological, Clinical Assessment, and Treatment of a Permanent Filler Complication in the Upper Lip: A Case Report with 16-Year Follow-Up. Cosmetics

I-40. Saúde oral e reabilitação protética numa amostra de idosos institucionalizados

Veiga, N., Correia, A. , Joana Cunha. (2013). I-40. Saúde oral e reabilitação protética numa amostra de idosos institucionalizados. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial


Veiga, N. , Tânia Ângelo. (2012). I-6. DETERMINAÇÃO DO INDICE CPOD NUMA AMOSTRA DE CRIANÇAS DOS JARDINS-DE-INFÂNCIA DE MANGUALDE. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

Identificação molecular de espécies de Candida em lesões de estomatite protética

Correia, M., Barros, M., Veiga, N. , A. Ribeiro. (2018). Identificação molecular de espécies de Candida em lesões de estomatite protética. XXXVIII Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estomatologia e Medicina Dentária, Oeiras, Portugal, 12/10/18

Identificação molecular de espécies de Candida em lesões de estomatite protética

Barros, M., Veiga, N. , Adriana Ribeiro. (2018). Identificação molecular de espécies de Candida em lesões de estomatite protética. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

Illegal Stay and Prenatal Care in Immigrant Pregnant Women Living in Portugal

Veiga, N. , E Coutinho. (2011). Illegal Stay and Prenatal Care in Immigrant Pregnant Women Living in Portugal. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health

Illegal stay and prenatal care in immigrant pregnant women living in Portugal.

Veiga, N. , Coutinho, E. (2011). Illegal stay and prenatal care in immigrant pregnant women living in Portugal.. J Epidemiol Comm Health.

Importância da alimentação na saúde oral dos idosos

Veiga, N. , S. Duarte. (2018). Importância da alimentação na saúde oral dos idosos. XIII Jornadas de Medicina Dentária da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Viseu, Portugal, 18/05/18

Importância da alimentação para a saúde oral dos idosos

Couto, P., Veiga, N. , Sofia Duarte. (2017). Importância da alimentação para a saúde oral dos idosos. XII Jornadas de Medicina Dentária da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Viseu, Portugal, 18/05/17

influência do excesso de peso no índice CPOD

Veiga, N. , A Ferreira. (2018). influência do excesso de peso no índice CPOD. 32as Jornadas de Medicina Oral da Faculdade de Medicina Dentária da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, 17/05/18

Is the immigrant condition associated with low birth weight?

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2011). Is the immigrant condition associated with low birth weight?. Eur J Public Health.

Lifestyles in students of a professional school of Viseu.

Veiga, N. , Amaral, O.. (2014). Lifestyles in students of a professional school of Viseu.. Aten Primaria.

Light transmittance through resin-matrix composite onlays adhered to resin-matrix cements or flowable composites

Veiga, N. , Fidalgo-Pereira, Rita. (2024). Light transmittance through resin-matrix composite onlays adhered to resin-matrix cements or flowable composites. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials

Living Conditions and Helicobacter pylori in Adults

Veiga, N. , Odete Amaral. (2017). Living Conditions and Helicobacter pylori in Adults. BioMed Research International

Maternal health factors and lifestyles among a sample of Portuguese children

Veiga, N. , C. Pereira. (2016). Maternal health factors and lifestyles among a sample of Portuguese children. European journal of public health

Medicação antidepressiva e saúde oral em idosos institucionalizados

Couto, P., Veiga, N. , F. Marques. (2017). Medicação antidepressiva e saúde oral em idosos institucionalizados. XII Jornadas de Medicina Dentária da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Viseu, Portugal, 18/05/17

Methods of primary clinical prevention of dental caries in the adult patient

Veiga, N., Fernandes, G. , Nélio Veiga. (2023). Methods of primary clinical prevention of dental caries in the adult patient. Healthcare

Methods of Primary Clinical Prevention of Dental Caries in the Adult Patient: An Integrative Review

Veiga, N., Fernandes, G. , Nélio Veiga. (2023). Methods of Primary Clinical Prevention of Dental Caries in the Adult Patient: An Integrative Review. Healthcare

Obesity and depressive symptoms in adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Amaral, O.. (2006). Obesity and depressive symptoms in adolescents.. Am J Epidemiol.

Obesity and depressive symptoms in adolescents.

Veiga, N. , O Amaral. (2006). Obesity and depressive symptoms in adolescents.. American Journal of Epidemiology

Obesity and quality of life in adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2006). Obesity and quality of life in adolescents.. American Journal of Epidemiology

Obesity and quality of life in adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2006). Obesity and quality of life in adolescents.. Am J Epidemiol.

Obesity and sleep in the adult population – a systematic review

Veiga, N. (2016). Obesity and sleep in the adult population – a systematic review. BMC Health Services Research

Oral and Gastric Helicobacter Pylori: effects and associations

Veiga, N. (2015). Oral and Gastric Helicobacter Pylori: effects and associations. Eur J Epidemiol.

Oral and gastric Helicobacter pylori: effects and associations.

Veiga, N. , Veiga N. (2015). Oral and gastric Helicobacter pylori: effects and associations.. PloS one

Oral health among Portuguese children and adolescents: a public health issue

Veiga, N. (2016). Oral health among Portuguese children and adolescents: a public health issue. BMC Health Services Research

Oral Health and Physical and Mental Limitations among the Elderly

Veiga, N. (2016). Oral Health and Physical and Mental Limitations among the Elderly. Int J Dent Oral Health

Oral health and physical and mental limitations among the elderly

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2016). Oral health and physical and mental limitations among the elderly. International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Health

Oral health and quality of life of the geriatric patient: contexts of autonomy

Veiga, N. , Gonçalo Abrantes. (2022). Oral health and quality of life of the geriatric patient: contexts of autonomy. Journal of Oral Research

Oral Health and Rehabilitation Among the Institutionalized Elderly

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2017). Oral Health and Rehabilitation Among the Institutionalized Elderly. The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences
Opinion Article

Oral Health and Rehabilitation among the Institutionalized Elderly

Veiga, N. (2017). Oral Health and Rehabilitation among the Institutionalized Elderly. EJSBS

Oral Health and Rehabilitation among the Institutionalized Elderly.

Veiga, N. (2016). Oral Health and Rehabilitation among the Institutionalized Elderly..

Oral health and rehabilitation in the institutionalized elderly

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2017). Oral health and rehabilitation in the institutionalized elderly. European journal of public health

Oral health assessment among a sample of children and adolescents

Veiga, N. (2016). Oral health assessment among a sample of children and adolescents.

Oral health assessment among a sample of patients with brain paralysis

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2019). Oral health assessment among a sample of patients with brain paralysis. CED-IADR/NOF - Oral Health Research Congress, Madrid, Spain, 19/09/19

Oral health assessment among elderly stroke patients

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2018). Oral health assessment among elderly stroke patients. 4th IPLeiria International Health Congress da Escola Superior de Saúde do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, 1/01/18

Oral health assessment among the Portuguese navy military

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2018). Oral health assessment among the Portuguese navy military. European journal of public health

Oral health assessment in a sample of portuguese patients

Veiga, N. , Rafael Costa. (2012). Oral health assessment in a sample of portuguese patients. European Journal of Epidemiology

Oral health assessment in a sample of portuguese patients.

Veiga, N. , Costa, R. (2012). Oral health assessment in a sample of portuguese patients.. Eur J Epidemiol.

Oral health attitudes and behaviours among Portuguese dental students.

Veiga, N. (2016). Oral health attitudes and behaviours among Portuguese dental students.. Aten Primaria.

Oral health attitudes and behaviours among Portuguese dental studentsportu

Veiga, N. (2016). Oral health attitudes and behaviours among Portuguese dental studentsportu.

Oral health behaviors and dental caries in a sample of portuguese militaries

Correia, A., Veiga, N. , Azevedo, L. (2018). Oral health behaviors and dental caries in a sample of portuguese militaries. REVISTA PORTUGUESA DE ESTOMATOLOGIA MEDICINA DENTARIA E CIRURGIA MAXILOFACIAL

Oral health behaviors and dental caries in a sample of Portuguese militaries

Veiga, N. , Azevedo, L.. (2018). Oral health behaviors and dental caries in a sample of Portuguese militaries. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentaria e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

Oral health behaviors in a sample of Portuguese adolescents

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2014). Oral health behaviors in a sample of Portuguese adolescents. Health Promotion Perspectives

Oral health behaviors, dental injuries and mouthguard awareness among a sample of Portuguese athletes: A cross sectional study,Comportamientos de salud bucal, lesiones dentales y conciencia del uso de protectores bucales entre una muestra de atletas ...

Correia, A., Veiga, N. , Azevedo, L.. (2019). Oral health behaviors, dental injuries and mouthguard awareness among a sample of Portuguese athletes: A cross sectional study,Comportamientos de salud bucal, lesiones dentales y conciencia del uso de protectores bucales entre una muestra de atletas .... Journal of Oral Research



Oral health behaviour perception scale applied among a sample of Portuguese adolescents,Escala de percepción del comportamiento de salud bucal aplicada en una muestra de adolescentes Portugueses

Veiga, N. , Amaral, O.. (2021). Oral health behaviour perception scale applied among a sample of Portuguese adolescents,Escala de percepción del comportamiento de salud bucal aplicada en una muestra de adolescentes Portugueses. Journal of Oral Research

Oral health behaviours and nutritional habits associated with physical activity

Veiga, N. (2016). Oral health behaviours and nutritional habits associated with physical activity.

Oral health behaviours in a sample of portuguese adolescents: an educational issue.

Veiga, N. (2014). Oral health behaviours in a sample of portuguese adolescents: an educational issue.. Health

Oral health behaviours in Portuguese adolescents,Comportamentos de saúde oral em adolescentes portugueses

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2013). Oral health behaviours in Portuguese adolescents,Comportamentos de saúde oral em adolescentes portugueses. Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica

Oral health care among institutionalized elderly given by their caregivers

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Ana Filipa Monteiro. (2019). Oral health care among institutionalized elderly given by their caregivers.

Oral health education

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2015). Oral health education. Oral Health and Dental Management

Oral health education among Portuguese adolescents

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2015). Oral health education among Portuguese adolescents. 5th ICEEPSY International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology

Oral Health Education: community and individual levels of intervention

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2015). Oral Health Education: community and individual levels of intervention. Oral Health Dent Manag.

Oral Health Education: Community and individual levels of intervention.

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2014). Oral Health Education: Community and individual levels of intervention.. Aten Primaria
Book Chapter

Oral Health Education: Risk Factors and Prevention of Oral Diseases

Veiga, N. (2015). Oral Health Education: Risk Factors and Prevention of Oral Diseases. Oral Health Education: Risk Factors and PrevePrivate and Public Schools. International Perspectives, Management and Educational Efficiency.

Oral health education: Risk factors and prevention of oral diseases

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2015). Oral health education: Risk factors and prevention of oral diseases. Private and Public Schools: International Perspectives, Management and Educational Efficiency
Book Chapter

Oral Health Education: Risk Factors and Prevention of Oral Diseases

Veiga, N. , Veiga, Nélio Jorge. (2015). Oral Health Education: Risk Factors and Prevention of Oral Diseases. Private and Public Schools. International Perspectives, Management and Educational Efficiency

Oral health literacy

Correia, M., Barros, M., Veiga, N., Rosa, N. , Maria Correia. (2022). Oral health literacy. ADEE Palma Annual Meeting 2022, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 22/08/22

Oral health literacy and determinants among an elderly community in Portugal

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Helder António Costa. (2024). Oral health literacy and determinants among an elderly community in Portugal. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Oral health literacy strategies focused on community-based learning

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2023). Oral health literacy strategies focused on community-based learning. European journal of public health

Oral health literacy strategies focused on community-based learning

Veiga, N., Correia, M. , N. Veiga. (2023). Oral health literacy strategies focused on community-based learning. 16th European Public Health Conference 2023 Our Food, Our Health, Our Earth

Oral health literacy strategies focused on community-based learning

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2023). Oral health literacy strategies focused on community-based learning. 16th European Public Health Conference 2023 Our Food, Our Health, Our Earth, Dublin, Ireland, 8/11/23

Oral health literacy: a community based-learning experience at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the UCP

Correia, M., Barros, M., Veiga, N. , Maria José Serol de Brito Correia. (2022). Oral health literacy: a community based-learning experience at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the UCP. ADEE Palma Annual Meeting 2022

Oral health promotion efficiency in the control of oral biofilm

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2014). Oral health promotion efficiency in the control of oral biofilm. Revista Brasileira Promoção Saúde

Oral Health Promotion in the Control of Bacterial Dental Plaque.

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2012). Oral Health Promotion in the Control of Bacterial Dental Plaque.. Journal Dental Research.

Oral health related quality of life in institutionalized elderly in Viseu

Veiga, N. , Sandra Balula. (2023). Oral health related quality of life in institutionalized elderly in Viseu. Encontro Nacional do Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Saúde (CIIS), Sintra, Portugal, 31/03/23

Oral health related quality of life in institutionalized elderly in Viseu

Veiga, N. , Sandra Balula. (2023). Oral health related quality of life in institutionalized elderly in Viseu. National Meeting of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Health (CIIS), Sintra, Portugal, 31/03/23

Oral health status in inflammatory bowel disease patients

Rosa, N., Correia, M., Veiga, N. , C. Rodrigues. (2024). Oral health status in inflammatory bowel disease patients. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis

Oral Health Strategies: Surveying the Present to Plan the Future of Community-Based Learning

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Nélio Jorge Veiga. (2023). Oral Health Strategies: Surveying the Present to Plan the Future of Community-Based Learning. Healthcare

Oral heath related quality of life in institutionalized elderly in Viseu

Veiga, N. , Sandra Balula. (2023). Oral heath related quality of life in institutionalized elderly in Viseu. BMC Proceedings

Oral lesions associated with removable prosthesis among elderly patient´s

Veiga, N., Correia, A. , Andre Correia. (2016). Oral lesions associated with removable prosthesis among elderly patient´s. Int J Dent Oral Health.

Oral manifestations and diabetes

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2018). Oral manifestations and diabetes. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research

Oral microbiota dysbiosis in inflammatory bowel disease patients

Rosa, N., Correia, M., Veiga, N. , C. Rodrigues. (2024). Oral microbiota dysbiosis in inflammatory bowel disease patients. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis

Oral microflora and dental caries development among Portuguese children

Veiga, N., Rosa, N., Barros, M. , Sara Sousa. (2016). Oral microflora and dental caries development among Portuguese children. 104th FDI Annual World Dental Congress, Poznań, Poland, 7/09/16

Oral microflora and dental caries development among Portuguese children

Rosa, N., Barros, M., Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Sara Sousa. (2016). Oral microflora and dental caries development among Portuguese children. International Dental Journal

Oral microflora and oral diseases in a sample of portuguese children.

Veiga, N. , Gomes, V. (2014). Oral microflora and oral diseases in a sample of portuguese children.. Aten Primaria.
Opinion Article

Oral microflora and the risk of dental caries in Portuguese children

Veiga, N., Correia, M. , Sara Sousa. (2017). Oral microflora and the risk of dental caries in Portuguese children. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Conference Proceedings

Overweight and health-related quality of life in Portuguese adolescents

Veiga, N. , O Amaral. (2005). Overweight and health-related quality of life in Portuguese adolescents. European journal of public health

Overweight and health-related quality of life in portuguese adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Amaral, O.. (2005). Overweight and health-related quality of life in portuguese adolescents.. Eur J Public Health.

Overweight and obesity in adolescents – analysis of associated factors

Veiga, N. (2016). Overweight and obesity in adolescents – analysis of associated factors.

Percepção da saúde oral das crianças pelos pais

Veiga, N. , C. Tenani. (2018). Percepção da saúde oral das crianças pelos pais. V Congresso Internacional de Odontologia, Piracicaba, Brazil, 23/05/18

Perception of oral health behaviors of patients

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2017). Perception of oral health behaviors of patients. European journal of public health

Perception of oral health behaviours among a sample of Portuguese adolescents

Veiga, N. (2016). Perception of oral health behaviours among a sample of Portuguese adolescents.

Periodontal regeneration after third molar extraction causing attachment loss in distal and furcation sites of the second molar: a case report with 12 months follow-up

Veiga, N., Fernandes, G. , Rafael Jordão Storino Vaz Monteiro. (2022). Periodontal regeneration after third molar extraction causing attachment loss in distal and furcation sites of the second molar: a case report with 12 months follow-up. Journal of Clinical Review & Case Reports

Prenatal Care in Immigrants and Portuguese Pregnant Women

Veiga, N. , C Pereira. (2010). Prenatal Care in Immigrants and Portuguese Pregnant Women. American Journal of Epidemiology

Prenatal care in immigrants and portuguese pregnant women.

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2010). Prenatal care in immigrants and portuguese pregnant women.. Am J Epidemiol.

Prevalence and determinants of dental caries in a sample of schoolchildren of Sátão, Portugal

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2014). Prevalence and determinants of dental caries in a sample of schoolchildren of Sátão, Portugal. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentaria e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

Prevalence and determinants of dental caries in a sample of schoolchildren of Sátao, Portugal.

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2014). Prevalence and determinants of dental caries in a sample of schoolchildren of Sátao, Portugal.. Rev Port Estomatol Med Dent Cir Maxilo Fac.

Prevalence and determinants of dental caries in Portuguese children

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2015). Prevalence and determinants of dental caries in Portuguese children. 5th ICEEPSY International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology

Prevalence and determinants of Helicobacter pylori infection in a sample of portuguese adults

Veiga, N. , C. Pereira. (2016). Prevalence and determinants of Helicobacter pylori infection in a sample of portuguese adults. Helicobacter

Prevalence and determinants of insomnia in a Portuguese sample of adolescentes.

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2013). Prevalence and determinants of insomnia in a Portuguese sample of adolescentes.. Euro J Public Health.

Prevalence and determinants of insomnia symptoms among schoolteachers.

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2014). Prevalence and determinants of insomnia symptoms among schoolteachers.. Aten Primaria.

Prevalence and determinants of insomnia symptoms among schoolteachers.

Veiga, N. , Pereira C. (2014). Prevalence and determinants of insomnia symptoms among schoolteachers.. Atencion primaria

Prevalence and determinants of oral microflora among Portuguese adolescents

Veiga, N. , Carlos Pereira. (2016). Prevalence and determinants of oral microflora among Portuguese adolescents. Atención Primaria

Prevalence and determinants of overweight and obesity in a Portuguese sample of adolescents

Veiga, N. (2016). Prevalence and determinants of overweight and obesity in a Portuguese sample of adolescents.

Prevalence and determinants of overweight and obesity in a sample of portuguese children.

Veiga, N. , Loureiro, R. (2014). Prevalence and determinants of overweight and obesity in a sample of portuguese children.. Aten Primaria.

Prevalence and localization of gengival recessions in a sample of Portuguese adults

Veiga, N. , João Lapa. (2014). Prevalence and localization of gengival recessions in a sample of Portuguese adults. International Journal of Scientific Research

Prevalence and localization of gingival recessions in a sample of Portuguese adults.

Veiga, N. , Lapa, J. (2014). Prevalence and localization of gingival recessions in a sample of Portuguese adults.. Int J Scientific Research.

Prevalence and localization of gingival recessions in a sample of Portuguese adults. I

Veiga, N. (2014). Prevalence and localization of gingival recessions in a sample of Portuguese adults. I. Int J Scientific Research.

Prevalence and social determinants of breastfeeding.

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2004). Prevalence and social determinants of breastfeeding.. J Epidemiol Comm Health.

Prevalence of abnormal eating behaviours in adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2004). Prevalence of abnormal eating behaviours in adolescents.. J Epidemiol Comm Health.

Prevalence of alcohol consumption in adolescents

Veiga, N. (2016). Prevalence of alcohol consumption in adolescents.

Prevalence of dental caries and fissure sealants in a portuguese sample of adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2014). Prevalence of dental caries and fissure sealants in a portuguese sample of adolescents.. Aten Primaria

Prevalence of dental caries and fissure sealants in a Portuguese sample of adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Veiga NJ. (2015). Prevalence of dental caries and fissure sealants in a Portuguese sample of adolescents.. PloS one

Prevalence of dental caries and fluorosis among a sample of adolescents living in a fluoridated and a non-fluoridated water region.

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2013). Prevalence of dental caries and fluorosis among a sample of adolescents living in a fluoridated and a non-fluoridated water region.. Eur J Epidemiol.

Prevalence of dental caries and oral health behaviors among portuguese sample of children and adolescentes.

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2013). Prevalence of dental caries and oral health behaviors among portuguese sample of children and adolescentes.. Aten Primaria.

Prevalence of depressive symptoms among a Portuguese Sample of Adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2013). Prevalence of depressive symptoms among a Portuguese Sample of Adolescents.. Aten Primaria.

Prevalence of depressive symptoms among elementary teachers.

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2012). Prevalence of depressive symptoms among elementary teachers.. Eur J Public Health.

Prevalence of diabetes in portuguese adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2006). Prevalence of diabetes in portuguese adolescents.. Am J Epidemiol.

Prevalence of diabetes in portuguese adolescents.

Veiga, N. , C Pereira. (2006). Prevalence of diabetes in portuguese adolescents.. American Journal of Epidemiology

Prevalence of disease previous and during pregnancy versus prenatal monitoring in portuguese and immigrant women.

Veiga, N. , Coutinho, E. (2012). Prevalence of disease previous and during pregnancy versus prenatal monitoring in portuguese and immigrant women.. Eur J Public Health.

Prevalence of diseases previous and during pregnancy versus prenatal monitoring in Portuguese and immigrant women

Veiga, N. , E Coutinho. (2012). Prevalence of diseases previous and during pregnancy versus prenatal monitoring in Portuguese and immigrant women. European journal of public health

Prevalence of fissure sealants in a portuguese sample adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2013). Prevalence of fissure sealants in a portuguese sample adolescents.. Am J Epidemiol.

Prevalence of functional dyspepsia in a community sample of Portuguese adults

Veiga, N. (2016). Prevalence of functional dyspepsia in a community sample of Portuguese adults.

Prevalence of gingival recessions and determinants in a Portuguese sample of patients.

Veiga, N. , Lapa, J. (2013). Prevalence of gingival recessions and determinants in a Portuguese sample of patients.. Euro J Public Health.

Prevalence of H. Pylori infection in a portuguese sample of adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2013). Prevalence of H. Pylori infection in a portuguese sample of adolescents.. Am J Epidemiol.

Prevalence of insomnia among Portuguese adolescents

Veiga, N. , O Amaral. (2010). Prevalence of insomnia among Portuguese adolescents. European journal of public health

Prevalence of insomnia among Portuguese adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Amaral, O.. (2010). Prevalence of insomnia among Portuguese adolescents.. Eur J Public Health.

Prevalence of Insomnia in Portuguese Prison Guards

Veiga, N. , O Amaral. (2010). Prevalence of Insomnia in Portuguese Prison Guards. American Journal of Epidemiology

Prevalence of insomnia in portuguese prison guards.

Veiga, N. , Amaral, O.. (2010). Prevalence of insomnia in portuguese prison guards.. Am J Epidemiol.

Prevalence of oral diseases and primary prevention in portuguese adolescents

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2015). Prevalence of oral diseases and primary prevention in portuguese adolescents. Gac Sanit.

Prevalence of oral health behaviours among a portuguese sample of adolescentes.

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2013). Prevalence of oral health behaviours among a portuguese sample of adolescentes.. Aten Primaria.

Prevalence of oral hygiene habits and dental appointments among a portuguese sample of adolescents

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2014). Prevalence of oral hygiene habits and dental appointments among a portuguese sample of adolescents. European journal of public health

Prevalence of oral hygiene habits and dental appointments among a portuguese sample of adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2014). Prevalence of oral hygiene habits and dental appointments among a portuguese sample of adolescents.. Euro J Public Health.

Prevalence of overweight and obesity in a Portuguese community sample of adolescents

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2005). Prevalence of overweight and obesity in a Portuguese community sample of adolescents. European journal of public health

Prevalence of overweight and obesity in a portuguese sample of adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2005). Prevalence of overweight and obesity in a portuguese sample of adolescents.. Eur J Public Health.

Prevalence of prosthetic stomatitis and risk factors in a sample of institutionalized elderly

Veiga, N. , Luís Azevedo. (2021). Prevalence of prosthetic stomatitis and risk factors in a sample of institutionalized elderly. Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
Book Chapter

Prevalência de depressão em adolescentes do distrito de Viseu

Veiga, N. , Odete Amaral. (2012). Prevalência de depressão em adolescentes do distrito de Viseu. Investigação em saúde. Perspectiva ética, clínica e epidemiológica

Prevalência de disfunção eréctil numa amostra de professores portugueses.

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2013). Prevalência de disfunção eréctil numa amostra de professores portugueses.. Gac Sanit.

Primary prevention of dental caries in the adult patient

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2023). Primary prevention of dental caries in the adult patient. ADEE Annual Meeting Liverpool 2023, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 23/08/23

Problemas experienciados pelo cuidador informal de pessoa idosa em situação de dependência

Veiga, N. , Maria Odete Pereira Amaral. (2020). Problemas experienciados pelo cuidador informal de pessoa idosa em situação de dependência. Arquivos de Ciências da Saúde

Quality of life, sleepiness and depressive symptoms in adolescents with insomnia: a cross-sectional study

Veiga, N. (2016). Quality of life, sleepiness and depressive symptoms in adolescents with insomnia: a cross-sectional study. Aten Primaria

Quality of life, sleepiness and depressive symptoms in adolescents with insomnia: a cross-sectional study

Veiga, N. (2017). Quality of life, sleepiness and depressive symptoms in adolescents with insomnia: a cross-sectional study. Aten Primaria

Quality of life, sleepiness and depressive symptoms in adolescents with insomnia: A cross-sectional study,Calidad de vida, somnolencia y sintomatología depresiva en adolescentes con insomnio: un estudio transversal

Veiga, N. , Amaral, M.O.P.. (2017). Quality of life, sleepiness and depressive symptoms in adolescents with insomnia: A cross-sectional study,Calidad de vida, somnolencia y sintomatología depresiva en adolescentes con insomnio: un estudio transversal. Atencion Primaria

Respiratory function in healthy first-degree relatives of asthmatic adolescents

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2013). Respiratory function in healthy first-degree relatives of asthmatic adolescents. BAG - Journal of Basic and Applied Genetics

Respiratory function in healthy first-degree relatives of asthmatic adolescents.

Veiga, N. (2014). Respiratory function in healthy first-degree relatives of asthmatic adolescents.. BAG - Journal of Basic and Applied Genetics

Review on polypharmacy and oral health among the elderly

Veiga, N. (2016). Review on polypharmacy and oral health among the elderly. J Med Biol Sci Res.

Risk behaviors among a Portuguese sample of adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Pereira, C.. (2013). Risk behaviors among a Portuguese sample of adolescents.. Aten Primaria.

Risk factors for depression in a community sample of Portuguese adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2008). Risk factors for depression in a community sample of Portuguese adolescents.. Eur J Public Health.

rOral: Use of a Teledentistry System for Remote Images Assessment in Oral Health Education Workflows

Veiga, N. , Sebastião, R.. (2020). rOral: Use of a Teledentistry System for Remote Images Assessment in Oral Health Education Workflows. IFMBE Proceedings

Salivary calprotectin

Rosa, N., Correia, M., Veiga, N. , C. Rodrigues. (2024). Salivary calprotectin. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis

Saúde oral e qualidade de vida na pessoa com deficiência intelectual

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Patrícia Couto. (2021). Saúde oral e qualidade de vida na pessoa com deficiência intelectual. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of Health and Well-Being Intervention - ICHWBI2021 and the 1st International Conference on Human Kinesiology – 1st ICOHK

Saúde oral e qualidade de vida na pessoa com deficiência intelectual: contextos de autonomia

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Patrícia Couto. (2021). Saúde oral e qualidade de vida na pessoa com deficiência intelectual: contextos de autonomia. 2nd International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention - ICHWBI2021 and the 1st International Conference on Human Kinesiology - 1st ICOHK

Saúde oral e qualidade de vida na pessoa com deficiência intelectual: contextos de autonomia

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Patrícia Couto. (2021). Saúde oral e qualidade de vida na pessoa com deficiência intelectual: contextos de autonomia. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of Health and Well-Being Intervention - ICHWBI2021 and the 1st International Conference on Human Kinesiology – 1st ICOHK

Saúde Oral na População de Viseu

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Maria Correia. (2019). Saúde Oral na População de Viseu. Seminário ”Combate Socioeducativo ao Isolamento da Pessoa Idosa – Contra a Solidão Sénior em Viseu”, 17/12/19

Self-perceived oral health assessement of institutionalized elderly of Viseu

Veiga, N., Couto, P. , Veiga, Nélio Jorge. (2019). Self-perceived oral health assessement of institutionalized elderly of Viseu. J Pub Health Catalog

Self-perceived oral health assessment of institutionalized elderly of Viseu

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2019). Self-perceived oral health assessment of institutionalized elderly of Viseu. Journal of Public Health and Nutrition

Self-perception of childrens' oral health by their parents

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2021). Self-perception of childrens' oral health by their parents. European journal of public health

Ser Criança Project – a community-based learning project for vulnerable children and their families

Correia, M., Veiga, N., Duarte, A. , Nélio Veiga. (2023). Ser Criança Project – a community-based learning project for vulnerable children and their families. ADEE Annual Meeting Liverpool 2023, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 23/08/23

Service Learning and the dentist of the future

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Patrícia Couto. (2021). Service Learning and the dentist of the future. Association for Dental Education in Europe
, 30/04/21

Service Learning at Universidade Católica Viseu

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2021). Service Learning at Universidade Católica Viseu. 6º Congreso Internacional de Investigación Educativa USAL-PALECH, Salamanca, Spain, 24/03/21

Service Learning at Universidade Católica Viseu - a pilot study

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2021). Service Learning at Universidade Católica Viseu - a pilot study. 6º Congreso Internacional de Investigación Educativa USAL-PALECH, Salamanca, Spain, 24/03/21

Service learning at Universidade Católica Viseu – a pilot study

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2021). Service learning at Universidade Católica Viseu – a pilot study.

Service learning at Universidade Católica Viseu – a pilot study

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2021). Service learning at Universidade Católica Viseu – a pilot study. 11th Conference on Linguistic and Intercultural
Education, Alba Iulia, Romania, 17/12/21

Service learning at Universidade Católica Viseu – a pilot study

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2021). Service learning at Universidade Católica Viseu – a pilot study. 6º Congreso Internacional de Investigación Educativa USAL-PALECH, Salamanca, Spain, 24/03/21

Sleep deprivation and obesity among portuguese adolescentes: a school-based cross-sectional study

Veiga, N. , Amaral, O.. (2015). Sleep deprivation and obesity among portuguese adolescentes: a school-based cross-sectional study. Gac Sanit.

Sleep patterns and insomnia among portuguese adolescentes: a cross-sectional study.

Veiga, N. , Amaral, O.. (2014). Sleep patterns and insomnia among portuguese adolescentes: a cross-sectional study.. Aten Primaria.

Sleep patterns and insomnia among portuguese adolescents: a cross-sectional study.

Veiga, N. , Amaral O. (2014). Sleep patterns and insomnia among portuguese adolescents: a cross-sectional study.. Atencion primaria

Sleep problems among Portuguese adolescents: a public health issue

Veiga, N. (2016). Sleep problems among Portuguese adolescents: a public health issue. BMC Health Services Research

Socio-demographic determinants of dental appointments in Portuguese adolescents

Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2010). Socio-demographic determinants of dental appointments in Portuguese adolescents. European journal of public health

Socio-demographic determinants of dental appointments in Portuguese adolescents.

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2010). Socio-demographic determinants of dental appointments in Portuguese adolescents.. Eur J Public Health.

Sociodemographic profile and the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in Portuguese adults

Veiga, N. , Odete Amaral. (2017). Sociodemographic profile and the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in Portuguese adults. INFAD

Special smiles project

Correia, M., Barros, M., Veiga, N. , Maria Correia. (2022). Special smiles project. ADEE Palma Annual Meeting 2022, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 22/08/22

Special Smiles Project - has it changed students perspectives on disability?

Correia, M., Barros, M., Veiga, N., Rosa, N. , Patrícia Couto. (2022). Special Smiles Project - has it changed students perspectives on disability?. ADEE Palma Annual Meeting 2022, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 22/08/22

Temporomandibular Dysfunction and Sleep Quality- Pilot Study

Veiga, N. , Ribeiro, O.. (2012). Temporomandibular Dysfunction and Sleep Quality- Pilot Study. Journal Dental Reseach.

The Importance of Epidemiology in Dental Medicine

Veiga, N. , Veiga, N.. (2015). The Importance of Epidemiology in Dental Medicine. J Dent Oral Health.

The importance of oral health during pregnancy and among the newborn

Veiga, N. , Ana Ferreira. (2018). The importance of oral health during pregnancy and among the newborn. Maternal and Pediatric Nutrition

The Influence of Chronic Diseases in the Oral Health of the Elderly.

Veiga, N. (2016). The Influence of Chronic Diseases in the Oral Health of the Elderly.. J Dent Oral Health

The influence of maternal and neonatal determinants in the lifestyle of Portuguese children

Veiga, N. , Carlos Pereira.The influence of maternal and neonatal determinants in the lifestyle of Portuguese children. LTH

The influence of oral microflora on oral health among a sample of portuguese adolescents

Veiga, N. , C. M. Pereira. (2015). The influence of oral microflora on oral health among a sample of portuguese adolescents. International Journal of Epidemiology

The influence of overweight and obesity in the oral health of a sample of Portuguese adults

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2022). The influence of overweight and obesity in the oral health of a sample of Portuguese adults. European journal of public health

The influence of parents' educational level in children's oral health behavior

Veiga, N. , André Ardérius. (2015). The influence of parents' educational level in children's oral health behavior. Public Health Research

The influence of parents´ educational level in children´s oral health behavior

Veiga, N. , Arderius, A. (2015). The influence of parents´ educational level in children´s oral health behavior. Public Health Res.

The influence of parents´ educational level in children´s oral health behaviors.

Veiga, N. , Arderius, A. (2014). The influence of parents´ educational level in children´s oral health behaviors.. Aten Primaria

The influence of population aging in public health

Couto, P., Veiga, N. , Nélio Veiga. (2018). The influence of population aging in public health. International Research Journal of Public Health

The role of parents in supervising oral hygiene habits of their children

Veiga, N. (2015). The role of parents in supervising oral hygiene habits of their children. Aten Primaria

The therapeutic prescription among dental medicine students

Veiga, N. , C. Pereira. (2017). The therapeutic prescription among dental medicine students. European journal of public health

Therapeutic adherence in a sample of adults with chronic disease.

Veiga, N. , Amaral, O.. (2013). Therapeutic adherence in a sample of adults with chronic disease.. Eur J Epidemiol.

Tratamento do herpes labial

Veiga, N. , S. Rocha. (2008). Tratamento do herpes labial. Cadernos de Saúde

Use of Local Melatonin with Xenogeneic Bone Graft to Treat Critical-Size Bone Defects in Rats with Osteoporosis: A Randomized Study

Veiga, N. , Karen Laurene Dalla Costa. (2024). Use of Local Melatonin with Xenogeneic Bone Graft to Treat Critical-Size Bone Defects in Rats with Osteoporosis: A Randomized Study. Journal of Functional Biomaterials

Validation of the Portuguese Rome III Questionnaire for diagnosis of functional dyspepsia in adults.

Veiga, N. (2016). Validation of the Portuguese Rome III Questionnaire for diagnosis of functional dyspepsia in adults.. Millenium

Validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of the rapid estimate of adult literacy in dentistry

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Helder António Costa. (2022). Validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of the rapid estimate of adult literacy in dentistry. BMC Oral Health

Validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of the rapid estimate of adult literacy in dentistry - REALD-29 PT

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Helder António Costa. (2022). Validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of the rapid estimate of adult literacy in dentistry - REALD-29 PT.

Validity and Reliability of the Portuguese Version of the Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Dentistry - REALD-29 PT

Veiga, N. , Helder António Costa. (2024). Validity and Reliability of the Portuguese Version of the Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Dentistry - REALD-29 PT.

Verrucous carcinoma

Veiga, N. , Patrícia Couto. (2023). Verrucous carcinoma. Encontro Nacional do Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Saúde (CIIS), Sintra, Portugal, 31/03/23

Verrucous carcinoma

Veiga, N. , Patrícia Couto. (2023). Verrucous carcinoma. BMC Proceedings

Virtual reality and behaviour management in paediatric dentistry

Veiga, N. , Diana Xavier de Barros Padilha. (2023). Virtual reality and behaviour management in paediatric dentistry. BMC Oral Health

White spot lesions

Correia, M., Veiga, N. , Pedro Campos Lopes. (2024). White spot lesions. BMC Oral Health

Work absenteeism and quality of life related with oral diseases among a sample of Portuguese workers

Veiga, N. , Carlos Carneiro. (2014). Work absenteeism and quality of life related with oral diseases among a sample of Portuguese workers. SHO2014 Proceeding Book. Portuguese Society of Occupational Safety and Hygiene